car and walker graphic, post title

Car Rider Morning Drop OFF: 8:45 AM

Car rider morning drop off will remain the same as last year. Cars will use Central Avenue turning onto Seward Road then into the side parking lot and drop off students outside the side entrance to the cafeteria. RES staff and the SRO will be there to assist students out of the car. Students will be able to begin entering the building at 8:45 AM.

Car Rider Afternoon Pick UP: 3:40 PM

Car rider pick-up will continue as we ended last year. Parents will need use Hog Lot Road and turn on Seward Road, drive past the sports fields and enter the side parking lot to the school.

At dismissal - beginning 3:40 PM, car riders will be dismissed to the cafeteria. Students will be called from the cafeteria as parents pull into the parking lot. RES staff and the SRO will assist students into the car.

Walker Afternoon Pick UP: 3:40 PM

Walker Pickup will continue as we ended last year. Parents need to come to the picnic table area to pickup their child(ren).

At dismissal - beginning at 3:40 PM, walkers will be dismissed to the media center. Students will be called from the media center and exit the side door near the picnic table area. RES staff will assist students and release students to parents.

If your child will be a daily car rider or daily walker, please print and complete the appropriate form using the link below and return the form to school before the first day. The form can be completed and dropped off in the main office, at Meet the Teacher or you can email a completed form to:

Link to the car rider/walker form:

Car Rider and Walker Form 2022-2023

If you will need to change your child's dismissal plans during the day, you must write note or call the office before 3 PM.